United States Environmental Protection Agency Issues Rules Restricting Use of Trichloroethylene, Perchloroethylene, and Carbon Tetrachloride.
On May 8, 2024, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) issued a final rule regulating the manufacture, distribution, and use of methylene chloride (89 FR 39254). In December, the USEPA published additional rules to expand the list of regulated chemicals to include trichloroethylene (89 FR 102568, published December 17, 2024), carbon tetrachloride (89 FR 103512, published December 18, 2024), and perchloroethylene (89 FR 103560, published December 18, 2024).
These rules were issued under the authority of the Toxic Substances Control Act. These rules ban and/or restrict certain uses of these chemicals. This rule potentially impacts the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) community, particularly those who use these chemicals as laboratory solvents/reagents, and persons using products containing these chemicals such as paint strippers, adhesives, sealants, and degreasers/cleaners.
EHS previously gathered information to identify persons potentially using methylene chloride. It is important that we now gather information to identify people who may be using trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, and/or perchloroethylene or products containing these chemicals. Please complete this form, https://forms.office.com/r/BCD70MtG3a, if you are aware of or suspect use or storage of these chemicals or products containing these chemicals. EHS will follow-up on all submissions to assess each use individually and collaborate with the campus community to develop compliance plans.
Please submit this form promptly. If you have questions regarding this form, please contact EHS at ehs@unl.edu or 402.472.4925
United States Environmental Protection Agency Final Rule on Methylene Chloride (89 FR 39254) May 8, 2024.
On May 8, 2024, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) issued a final rule regulating the manufacture, distribution, and use of methylene chloride (89 FR 39254). This rule was issued under the authority of the Toxic Substances Control Act. The rule bans certain uses of methylene chloride and restricts certain other uses. This rule potentially impacts the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) community, particularly those who use methylene chloride as a laboratory solvent/reagent, and persons using certain products containing methylene chloride such as paint strippers, adhesives, sealants, and degreasers/cleaners.
This form (https://forms.office.com/r/CRMWnpgVBX) is intended to facilitate gathering of data about persons at UNL (including students) who may be using methylene chloride or products containing methylene chloride. Please complete this form if you are aware of or suspect use of methylene chloride or products containing methylene chloride. Another name for methylene chloride is dichloromethane. The rule contains varying dates of compliance, with regulated entities being required to conduct exposure assessments in certain circumstances no later than May 2025. EHS will follow-up on all submissions to assess each use individually and collaborate with the campus community to develop compliance plans.
Please submit this form promptly. If you have questions regarding this form, please contact EHS at ehs@unl.edu or 402.472.4925