Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is committed to excellent customer service. By taking a few moments to complete this survey, you will be helping us to identify areas where we might need to focus our attention. Please feel free to contact Brenda Osthus, EHS Director, at 402-472-4927 or bosthus1@unl.edu if you would rather comment verbally or outside of the parameters of this survey. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Your Name
Your campus address
How do you communicate with EHS?
EHS staff consistently meet their commitments by responding to inquiries and requests for service in the time frame promised.
EHS staff can be counted on to do it right the first time.
EHS staff are competent, knowledgeable, courteous, and professional.
EHS staff are aware of, respect, and understand your needs as they relate to safety and compliance.
EHS staff are accessible and available when you need them.