Director’s Message

Welcome to the EHS website! On behalf of the entire EHS staff, I want to wish you a fulfilling and safe experience at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It is our mission to protect our campus community’s human resources, research, and environment by providing services to assist UNL faculty, staff, and students to integrate safety, environmental stewardship, and compliance into their workplace. We do this through the EHS Promise along with the Business and Finance Statement of Inclusive Excellence.

- Brenda Osthus, Director

Our Promise

EHS We are committed to promoting a culture that prioritizes safe workplaces, prevention of injuries, and environmental responsibility while actively advancing the university's mission.

Our Promise

Business and Finance We power business, safety, and operations to drive excellence at our university.

icon of radiation symbol

Ionizing Radiation Safety

icon of gas can

Regulated Waste Management

icon of earth

Environmental Protection

biohazard icon


safety sign icon

Occupational/ Laboratory Safety

USEPA Final rule regulating the manufacture, distribution, and use of methylene chloride (89 FR 39254) May 8, 2024
Woman speaking to a group
Instructor-led and web-based training opportunities.
Young man wearing goggles
Guidelines for procedures and tasks involving recognized hazards.
Man viewing computer screen with notes in front of him
Tool used to create a work-site specific electronic safety and compliance manual that satisfies the regulatory requirement to have a chemical hygiene or hazard communication plan.